Sunday 24 July 2011

What is Solid State Disk (SSD)?

Do you know about Solid State Disk (SSD)? SSD is a technology that currently being used in data storage devices especially for server applications and system. This technology uses solid-state memory to store data and commonly composed of either DRAM volatile memory or NAND flash non-volatile memory.

In SSD technology, no parts are moving like the normal hard disks you are currently using. So the data is less fragile and the disk is very silent and smooth.

Other than that, the seek time and the startup time is very fast because SSD does not need to spin up until the rotation speed is achieved. Only hard disks need to spin up to ready state to start its operations.
SSD can access the data randomly in the same time whatever the storage location. It also does not depend on the read/write interface head and imune to strong magnetic fields.
Because of the technology is new, the cost per gigabyte of SSD storage is very high. That is the only downside of SSD as for now. But probably, after a new data storage technology come out, the price for SSD might be cheaper and many people can afford to buy it.